Retail Payment Activities Act (RPAA) Compliance Services

The Retail Payment Activities Act (RPAA) requires all payment service providers (PSPs) to register with the Bank of Canada between November 1 and 15, 2024, and comply with strict guidelines on risk management, cybersecurity, and safeguarding funds. C&G Professional Services Inc. offers a comprehensive RPAA compliance package, including:
  • Registration document preparation
  • Guidance on the registration process
  • Submission of the registration form to Bank of Canada
  • Documentation of risk management and incident response policies and procedures
Get Started Today: Ensure your business meets the RPAA requirements. Contact us below.
AML Regulations

Strategy, innovation & execution. Aiming for unlimited success.

Best consulting firm providing AML compliance and forensic investigations
to Canadian businesses.

Yearly Projects
Satisfied Clients
Years’ Experience

About Us

C&G Professional Services Inc. is a Canadian incorporated boutique consulting firm providing exceptional anti-money laundering consulting and forensic investigative services to businesses in Canada.

Our team comprises of highly skilled professionals who have together acquired more than 40 years of working experience in the financial crime industry – making them offer exceptional consulting services to clients’

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"As institutions continue to expand the ways in which they interact with their customers, so, too, do they create new mechanisms by which illegal activity may be carried out."

"Our tested methods have been used by companies both large and small who were looking to manage their AML needs from beginning to end."

Our Services

Every business subject to the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations is required to test

If your business is subject to the AML Regulations, you are required to develop a compliance regime...

An effective compliance program begins with the appointment of a compliance officer. This...

When FINTRAC and other AML compliance regulators come knocking, you would require an...

If you suspect that fraud has happened or is about to occur, let our forensics and fraud experts help you. We have investigated several allegations of...

Litigation involving fraud or a substantial claim against another party requires not only quantifying the loss but also developing a...

Developing innovative &
long term strategies for your future success.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digniss
imos ducimus qui blanditiis praes entium vo.


About us

At C&G Professional Services Inc., we are a trusted and
dedicated team of experts specializing in anti-financial crime solutions. With a collective experience of over 40 years in the industry, we bring unparalleled knowledge and expertise to help businesses combat the risks associated with financial crime.

We understand the dynamic nature of the financial crime landscape and the challenges businesses face in ensuring compliance with ever-evolving regulations. Our team of seasoned professionals has worked across diverse sectors, including banking, insurance, and regulatory bodies. This breadth of experience allows us to provide tailored solutions that address the unique needs of our clients.

Your company’s future with us, guaranteed success.